Healthcare News
Butt Bruise: Treatment and Healing
Source: Verywell health
A butt bruise occurs from direct trauma to the gluteal muscles of the buttocks. Forceful impact on a muscle causes damage to underlying blood vessels, muscle fibers, and sometimes bone resulting in bleeding underneath the skin.
Osteoarthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Key Differences
Source: Verywell health
While they both fall under the "arthritis" umbrella and share certain similarities, these diseases have significant differences. Osteoarthritis is caused by the breakdown of cartilage that cushions your joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks your body's own tissues in the joints.
Injuries that can keep Olympians from the gold
Source: Medical Xpress
While Olympic athletes can make their sports look effortless, constant overuse of muscles and tendons can lead to big-time injuries that do more than cost them a medal, according to an orthopedic expert from Baylor College of Medicine. And the risks run through all sports—from gymnastics and distance running to swimming.
Study: Mobile app aids recovery of elderly people with hip fractures and helps their caregivers
Source: Medical Xpress
ActiveHip+ is a multidisciplinary intervention delivered through a mobile application. Designed as part of a European project led by UGR lecturer Patrocinio Ariza Vega, its purpose is to facilitate the recovery of elderly people who have suffered a hip fracture. It is also intended for use by informal caregivers, such as family members.
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Used on Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
Source: Cureus
Patient-reported knee-related rating scores and scales are widely used in reporting the clinical outcomes of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery. Understanding the psychometric properties of such measures is vital to recognizing the limitations that such measures may confer. The aim of this study was to review the available evidence as to the psychometric properties of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) used in ACL surgery.
When Not to Have Rotator Cuff Surgery
Source: Verywell health
Rotator cuff tears may require surgery to repair, but they can often heal with rest, physical therapy, and medication when needed. Discuss with your orthopedist when to have or not have rotator cuff surgery.
What Is Swan Neck Deformity?
Source: Verywell health
Swan neck deformity is an abnormal positioning of the joints in your fingers. It's named because of the way an affected finger bends, giving it a curved appearance similar to the neck of a swan.The deformity can be caused by trauma or injury to the finger, as well as by diseases that attack the joints of the fingers, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Augmented ACL reconstruction yielded faster functional recovery vs. no augmentation
Source: Healio
Published results showed ACL reconstruction augmented with bone marrow aspirate concentrate, demineralized bone matrix and suture tape yielded superior functional outcomes and faster recovery compared with standard ACL reconstruction.
8 Bicep Tendonitis Exercises
Source: Verywell health
If you have pain in your upper arm or shoulder, you may have irritated your biceps tendon, a condition known as biceps tendonitis. The pain may limit your shoulder motion and make performing normal work and recreational tasks difficult or impossible. You should see a healthcare provider who can diagnose biceps tendonitis and refer you to a physical therapist for treatment.